The IoT (Internet of Things) is a relatively new term for the very vast network of technologies and devices that can communicate or exchange information via the Internet.

Internet of Things includes familiar computing devices including smart-phones and laptops nevertheless, the term can be used for some technology that uses an Internet connection in order to send via receives data, especially objects that have been enhanced with Internet connectivity. The smart cars, sensors for manufacturing equipment, wearable heart-rate monitors, and automated thermostats are just few examples of latest IoT technologies.

The importance of IoT accessibility

1. Healthcare

Internet of Things connected devices are constantly gathering data opening up a whole host of possibilities within the realm of medicine or healthcare. Healthcare providers can provide patients with wearable’s that can track a patient’s condition, which could help make diagnostics more accurate thanks to extra insights into symptoms and trends.

This could also help people in tracking of their own health with their own wearable devices, giving the people more control their lives and how they manage of their health. For instance, smart inhalers come with sensors that connect to an app to help people with asthma track their symptoms and usage. This also helps patients take their medication very consistently, as well as generating usage reports that can be shared with a patient’s doctor, resulting for highly personalized treatment and healthcare.

Internet of Things in healthcare can provide doctors or patients alike with more transparency around symptoms and illnesses, giving the healthcare industry a more proactive approach to treatment by making everyone’s lives simple.

2. Smart offices

In currently, intelligent buildings are revolutionizing the traditional commercial offices they were used. Smart offices are highly connected ecosystems that understand workers’ needs, and more than third of workers are excited about the opportunity to leverage IoT to wirelessly connect devices or some analyse data in real time.

 IoT innovations within the realms for building controls or automation have made life easier for the occupants for smart offices, as well as the building owners and facility managers. Internet of Things enabled analytics is allowing occupants to control environmental conditions within of their offices, satisfaction, improving general comfort or engagement.

This connectivity allows occupants to interact with heating, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, and other building functions. The smart offices can determine how many employees are present in the building, where they are located, how many conference rooms are being used and for how long.

Internet of Things office encourages a more productive workplace; it can digitise the operational processes for the building and collate them into one single source for truth, saving Facility Managers the time or trouble of sifting through massive volumes of scattered data. Several collaboration or document sharing is also enhanced due to increased connectivity throughout the built environment, making for the very efficient workplace all together.

3. Smart homes

Since 2018, approximate 23 percent of homes have at least one smart device, with 11 percent having a smart speaker, 5 percent with smart lighting and 3 percent having smart security in place.

Internet of Things in the living space allows homeowners to control of their environment from a single source, usually for the smart home app on their mobile device. This allows for added security, convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency, all the while taking out some of the stresses associated with general housekeeping.

Internet of Things in the home not only makes your life easier by automating many housekeeping tasks such as temperature and lighting adjustments, but it can also help the environment by making too sure use energy when and where you need it. For example, if you leave a room and forget to switch off the lights, your programmed smart home system will switch it off for you. You can also check on your home from anywhere with your dedicated app and make sure that all those lights are switched off yourself.

4. Vehicular solutions

The connected car is no longer a distant future. Several vehicles are already capable of for seamlessly linking to smart-phones or providing drivers with real-time traffic alerts. Internet and cloud-connected cars soak up tonnes of data for everyday, all of which can be used for predictive maintenance of car equipment, improving in-car entertainment or even helping to design better roads. About 40 percent of motorists finding somewhere to park is a stressful experience, and so Internet of Things implementations in parking and vehicles could prove to be beneficial for drivers and city environments alike.  

Internet of Things can also benefit for the business end of the fitness industry. Internet of Things can also benefit for the business end of the fitness industry. Connected cars can also update their software-reliant components remotely, saving you a trip to the manufacturer.

Internet of Things enabled vehicles can also make parking stress free. Internet of Things parking solutions can help fight against pollution can reduce the circulation of vehicles in search of parking. Fluid traffic can also lessen the concentration of gas emissions.  

5. IoT and fitness

Internet of Things has prominent effect on the way of exercise and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Internet of Things can also benefit for the business end of the fitness industry. There are plenty for activity trackers or fitness apps that give us an accurate overview of our performance during periods of exercise. These can help monitor efforts in the gym, for example: data gathered is individual to each person’s habits, meaning you can visualize your progress over time. 

Gym owners can track the number of attendees of their gym, giving them key insights into what the peak times are on any given day, as well as keeping an eye on other aspects like machine health. This can help gym owners take a proactive approach to servicing or maintaining machinery in the facility by allowing them to predict the life cycles of the equipment.